Your Bethlehem; your manger

Your Bethlehem; your manger January 8, 2015

More from Pastor Douthwaite’s Epiphany Sunday sermon, which pointed out that the Wise Men were not really seeking Christ.   He was seeking them.  And us.  And that we too have a Bethlehem, and we too find Christ in a manger.

From Rev. James Douthwaite, St. Athanasius Lutheran Church: Epiphany of Our Lord Sermon:

You’ve probably heard the line “Wise men still seek Him.” But real wise men know that the most important thing in the Christmas story is that God has come to seek us. It was God who came to Adam and Eve after they hid from Him and from each other after they sinned. It was God who sent His prophets to call His people to repentance. It was God who sent the star to lead the wise men to Jesus. And it’s God who comes to you – not just with the story of His Son, but with His Gospel and His Spirit and His love and the promise of His forgiveness. That you not just know the story, but that you too fall down and worship Him, and receive from Him the gifts He comes to bring you. The gifts that are here for you. This Church your Bethlehem, and this altar your manger.


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