How God uses fiction

How God uses fiction February 5, 2016

Someone whose life had become a shambles tells how God used fiction to save his life.

From Chad Bird, Novel Salvation: How God Used Fiction to Save My Life — CHAD BIRD:

Ten years ago I plunged myself into books of fiction as a form of escapism. My life was in shambles. I had destroyed a marriage, lost my job, ruined my career. To avoid thinking about the sad reality my life had become, I slipped into the lives of fictional characters.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, however, something else was happening. The God against whom I had rebelled, and from whom I was fleeing, began to use these very works of fiction to beckon me home. As it turned out, the novels in which I had sought escape, became part of the means whereby the Lord rescued me from my own death.

The novelist is a kind of priest. His pulpit is a narrative. He baptizes with words. The stories he tells may not be factual but they are nonetheless true. Over the years, God uses these truths to teach me about myself—and more importantly, about him. Here are five truths I learned.

[Keep reading. . .]

Click on through.  You have GOT to read those five truths.

HT:  Mary Moerbe, via Facebook

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