The Resurrection as the Christian word for defiance

The Resurrection as the Christian word for defiance April 7, 2016

Remember that it’s still Easter!

The pastor of an inner city London church in a rough, drug-ridden neighborhood tells how the Resurrection of Christ enables us to “push back against the darkness.”

From Giles Fraser, The resurrection isn’t an argument. It’s the Christian word for defiance | Giles Fraser: Loose canon | Opinion | The Guardian:

The resurrection is not an argument, still less a philosophical argument. That’s why rational scepticism about the empty tomb just bounces off the surface. As Jonathan Swift was right to say, you can’t reason people out of something they weren’t reasoned into. The resurrection is more an identity than an argument. That’s why we turn it into participatory theatre, with incense and candles. It is who we are – our word for how we go on in the face of overwhelming odds. It’s the Christian term for defiance.

[Keep reading. . .] 

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