“Baptism Violates the Baby’s Rights” and More from Once-Catholic Ireland

“Baptism Violates the Baby’s Rights” and More from Once-Catholic Ireland June 27, 2018

Ireland was once one of the world’s most Catholic countries, but now that the nation voted to legalize abortion, the whole fabric of not just Catholicism but Christianity is becoming unravelled.

The former president of Ireland, Mary McAleese, is claiming that baptism oppresses babies because it denies them the right to choose their religion for themselves.  As quoted by Doug Mainwaring in an article on the subject, she said:

“You can’t impose, really, obligations on people who are only two weeks old and you can’t say to them at seven or eight or 14 or 19 ‘here is what you contracted, here is what you signed up to’ because the truth is they didn’t,” said McAleese in a June 23 interview with the Irish Times. “But you and I know, we live now in times where we have the right to freedom of conscience, freedom of belief, freedom of opinion, freedom of religion and freedom to change religion. The Catholic Church yet has to fully embrace that thinking,” she continued. “My human right to inform my own conscience, my human right to express my conscience even if it is the case that it contradicts the magisterium [teaching authority of the church], that right to conscience is supreme.”

I can see a Baptist arguing along similar lines, but President McAleese speaks as a dissident Catholic who demands that the church change its practices.  But that’s not all.

When a priest didn’t show up to conduct Mass last weekend, the woman who led the government’s campaign to legalize abortion, Culture Minister Josepha Madigan,  stepped up and SHE led the liturgy.  LifeSite reported that she did not attempt to consecrate the elements, but she administered Holy Communion using pre-consecrated hosts.  And, reportedly, the congregation went along with it.

Also, now that abortion is legalized, Catholic hospitals will be forced to perform them.  So says Prime Minister Leo Varadka, as quoted by Nicole Russell (see her article).  Individual doctors and nurses may opt out.

“It will not, however, be possible for publicly-funded hospitals, no matter who their patron or owner is, to opt out of providing these necessary services which will be legal in this state once this legislation is passed by the Dáil and Seanad (senate).”

Catholic hospitals provide much of the health care in Ireland, but because of Ireland’s socialized health care system they do take public money.

Irish bishops are saying that Catholic hospitals will still refuse to perform abortions.  The upcoming conflict should be interesting to watch.


Photo, St. Mary’s Church, Belcruit, Ireland, © Copyright Joseph Mischyshyn and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.


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