DISCUSSION: Will Evangelicals “Rise Up” Against Trump?

DISCUSSION: Will Evangelicals “Rise Up” Against Trump? December 8, 2023

Bob Vander Plaats, who runs the Christian activist organization The Family Leader in Iowa, has endorsed the winner of every Republican Iowa caucus since 2008.  This time he says he has had enough of Donald Trump, citing his poor character in his treatment of the popular governor of that state Kim Reynolds and anyone else who opposes him. “You call them names and all that just because they don’t bow the knee to you.”  Vander Plaats endorsed Ron DeSantis and predicted that Iowa will “rise up” against Trump.

The evangelical heavyweight Wayne Grudem, who has been a big Trump supporter, is now saying that he should pull out of the race, saying that it is imperative that Republicans beat the Democrats, but that Trump will not be able to do that.  Grudem also cites other reasons, such as his character, his age, and “Trump fatigue.”

Meanwhile Trump has been insulting evangelicals and attacking pro-lifers, refusing to support nation-wide limits, let alone a ban, on abortion.

Do you think any of this will dent evangelicals’ support for Trump?

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