Top cultural developments of 2010

Top cultural developments of 2010 December 30, 2010

What do you think were the most notable cultural events, trends, or developments of the fast-fading year?

By “culture,” I mean any combination of “high culture” (notable novels, works of art), “pop culture” (mass produced work such as movies and popular music) and sociological culture (develops in our society, such as the new and increasing social acceptance of homosexuality).

"She's just looking for reasons to be mad."

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"Starmer has extirpated the Corbynites from all Labour ridings. Tons of Tories in safe ridings ..."

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"The Tory base stereotypically thinks "the youth of today" are weak and whiny and should ..."

Memorial Day Miscellany, 5/27/24
"Yeah. At least the one I offer above depicts peoples from many ethnicities and cultures. ..."

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