How to get out of Iraq, continued

How to get out of Iraq, continued July 15, 2008

Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki should not be criticized for calling for a timetable for the withdrawal of US troops. He is doing us a huge favor! From <a href=""Iraq insists on withdrawal timetable for US troops:

Iraq’s national security adviser said Tuesday his country will not accept any security deal with the United States unless it contains specific dates for the withdrawal of U.S.-led forces.

The comments by Mouwaffak al-Rubaie were the strongest yet by an Iraqi official about the deal now under negotiation with U.S. officials. They came a day after Iraq’s prime minister first said publicly that he expects the pending troop deal with the United States to have some type of timetable for withdrawal.

We liberated them from Iraq, we established a democratic government, that government says that it no longer requires our help. Mission accomplished. Let’s go home.

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