The Children of Hurin

The Children of Hurin July 16, 2008

Have any of your read the latest product from Christopher Tolkien editing his father’s papers? It’s The Children of Húrin, and it’s well worth reading. It’s not a Silmarilion-like collection of fictional non-fiction, like much of what Christopher has been publishing. Rather, it’s a true novel, though written in the high saga style, rather than in the variety of styles from the homely to the epic that characterizes “The Hobbit” and “Lord of the Rings.”

“The Children of Hurin” has a much scarier dragon and a much more powerful and insidious dark lord than those masterpieces. And it’s dark. Its hero Turin is a cross between Byron and Job. It’s tragic, heart-breaking, not for children, and utterly beautiful.

During our recent road-trip, we listened to the audiobook, which is read by the great Christopher Lee (who played Saruman in the LOTR movies). Hearing it was to feast on language. (If you’d like to buy these, click the links to go to Amazon.)

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