Atheist evangelism

Atheist evangelism October 23, 2008

British atheists are launching a campaign to put ads on buses. They will read

“There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life”.

It strikes me as odd that atheists think believing in God is a cause of worrying and not enjoying life. It supports my impression that many atheists are running away from God because of their guilt. They reject God so that they do not have to feel guilty, there being no one to judge them. That view of the God they do not believe in is sad, a reaction against a legalistic, law-only view of religion. They probably find it incomprehensible that belief in God–whom Christians see as gracious, forgiving, Incarnate, and redeeming–actually enables people to stop worrying and to enjoy their lives.

(I was in London recently and was struck by the advertisements for Islam on those buses. I guess those are the choices that the British see: Atheism or Islam.)

(Also, Michael the Little Boot, I don’t include you in the generalization about atheists above. I recall that you said that you wished you could believe. I also respect the atheists like Camus and Sartre who face up to the implications of their disbelief, recognizing that if God does not exist, then our own existence becomes meaningless. They would find that blithe poster-talk–there’s no God so now you can stop worrying and enjoy life–to be laughably contemptible, missing the very point even of honest atheism.)
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