Birthday thoughts

Birthday thoughts October 15, 2008

The British TV series “Life on Mars” is terrific, though the new American remake is less so. But it involves a modern-day cop getting zapped back to 1973, presented as an exotic time in history with strange clothing styles and primitive police work. Hey, 1973 is not ancient history! That’s when I graduated from college! I remember 1973 like it was yesterday. In my mind, it WAS yesterday.

I recently read a piece honoring Google’s 10th anniversary. It was all nostalgic about how primitive the internet was back in 1998. The old days are not 1998! We had plenty of technology in 1998! You shouldn’t get nostalgic about 1998! Or have sentimental associations for the world wide web!

I grow old. I can remember our first color TV, our first cable connection, our first VCR, our first micro-wave, our first personal computer, our first word-processing program, the first time I got on the internet. I wrote my papers in college on a typewriter, using white-out for my mistakes. I researched them via the card catalog. So, yes, technology is our marker. BUT IT DOESN’T MATTER!

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