Has capitalism collapsed like communism did?

Has capitalism collapsed like communism did? November 11, 2008

That’s what a Marxist historian is saying. From The London Telegraph:

For those who missed it, I recommend Edward Stourton’s BBC interview with Eric Hobsbawm, the doyen of Marxist history.

“This is the dramatic equivalent of the collapse of the Soviet Union: we now know that an era has ended,” said Mr Hobsbawm, still lucid at 91.

“It is certainly greatest crisis of capitalism since the 1930s. As Marx and Schumpeter foresaw, globalization not only destroys heritage, but is incredibly unstable. It operates through a series of crises.

“There’ll be a much greater role for the state, one way or another. We’ve already got the state as lender of last resort, we might well return to idea of the state as employer of last resort, which is what it was under FDR. It’ll be something which orients, and even directs the private economy,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mikhail Gorbachev, who presided over the dissolution of the Soviet Union, called on Barack Obama to implement a policy of perestroika, or restructuring of the economy, just like he did.

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