A constitution for our celibritocracy

A constitution for our celibritocracy January 8, 2009

Yesterday’s post about celibritocracy, continuing current trends of letting ourselves be governed by celebrities, got me thinking. We will need a new constitution. How about this?:

The Executive Branch will be made up of Actors. After all, the Executive is the branch that, well, acts.

The Legislative Branch will be made up of writers, replacing the House of Representatives, and directors, replacing the Senate. Writers and Directors are the ones who tell actors what to do. And, as we can see from our movies, writers and directors are capable of resolving the most complex and convoluted of problems. Why shouldn’t they do just as well in real life?

Replacing the Judicial Branch will be panels of Critics. They will evaluate and judge the performance of the other branches. If a policy “bombs,” to use the new legal vocabulary, it will be subject to a “remake.”

The public will by no means be cut out of the process. The performance of everyone in all three branches will be subject to continuous monitoring through opinion polls and scientific sampling. Everyone in government must get “good ratings.” Otherwise, they lose their jobs.

Wouldn’t this work?

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