Sale at New Reformation Press

Sale at New Reformation Press August 4, 2009

New Reformation Press is having a 10% off sale on all of its merchandise–including books, mp3 files, Rosenbladtia, really cool T-shirts. Shop here. Use tkhe promotion code nrp09.

"reg, I'm sure anyone could say the same for any of the robes often used ..."

How “The Lutheran Hour” Countered the ..."
"In reading the linked article, one thing that struck me was the contrast in the ..."

How “The Lutheran Hour” Countered the ..."
"Walter A. Maier (and other radio pastors) were a big reason why the US didn't ..."

How “The Lutheran Hour” Countered the ..."
"For a long time now, I've started each day by going to the Lutheran Hour ..."

How “The Lutheran Hour” Countered the ..."

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