Vocation Day, the holiday formerly known as Labor Day

Vocation Day, the holiday formerly known as Labor Day September 7, 2009

Happy Vocation Day! Today used to be called Labor Day. (Incredibly, you can still find people who are isolated and out of touch that still call it that.) But thanks to a crusade sponsored by this blog and the activism of its readers, we have successfully taken it over, turning it into a Christian holiday focusing on one of the most important teachings of the Reformation, the doctrine of vocation.

OK, we haven’t quite made that much progress in our quest to co-opt this last hurrah of Summer. It isn’t listed as a feast day on the Christian calendar. But still, we are hearing more about vocation. I’d like to draw your attention to a page on the LCMS website that features a number of articles on
Vocation. Some of them I wrote for a series in The Lutheran Witness a few years ago. But there are other articles too. You should especially read John Pless’s article Vocation: Fruit of the Liturgy.

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