Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me October 15, 2009

T. S. Eliot said it best:

I grow old … I grow old …         
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.

I will celebrate this day by not provoking any arguments on this blog and by spreading good cheer with the recommendation of a book that will make all of you feel better.

"About the fertility rate, I have a question. Are people having less "s3x" than in ..."

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"Regarding "mass graves", while there seems to be a valid point about a lack of ..."

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"Why, then, is she telling us?"

Monday Miscellany, 5/20/24
"I would not be surprised if there were one or two disappearances from each of ..."

Monday Miscellany, 5/20/24

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