What’s so wrong with America?

What’s so wrong with America? October 29, 2009

Yesterday we discussed what’s so great about America, covering the gamut of national greatness from Americans’ strong professions of faith to the superiority of American ketchup. Now, following those great American traditions of giving everyone equal time and of welcoming patriotic self-criticism, let us discuss what is wrong about America.

No bigoted anti-Americanism from our international readers, please, just helpful suggestions for what we need to improve, if we only could. As for American cultural critics, I have noticed that those on the right and those on the left often complain about the same things!

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"Nope, Rev_Aggie is correct.First off, Rev_Aggie is not saying that some one is "persevering in ..."

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"Yes, pigs are "wonderful, magical animals.""

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