The reverse Okie syndrome

The reverse Okie syndrome October 13, 2010

During the Great Depression, thousands of Okies left the dust bowl that was the Sooner State for brighter prospects in California, as well as other states.  Now, during the Not-So-Great Depression, thousands of Californians, as well as denizens of other states, are flowing to Oklahoma.  Here the economy is much better, there are lots of jobs, and housing costs are astonishingly low (with the median homes in Oklahoma City selling for $150,000).  This article details why Oklahoma is flourishing and what turned the state around: More Californians reverse course and head to Oklahoma –

I was born in Oklahoma and grew up there.  I too left the state to find work, but I do miss it.  One factor the article cites in the state’s growth is people who left the state moving back.  A good line from the article:  “Oklahoma is one of those places you have to come from to think it’s beautiful.”

But here is something to discuss:  One of the reasons Oklahoma City has become cool all of a sudden is that the local government pushed a number of new initiatives.  Voters imposed upon themselves a sales tax, which, among other things, developed “Bricktown,” a fun downtown entertainment district, including a river walk, music venues, good restaurants, lively bars, a minor league baseball stadium, and (a short distance away) the home of the new NBA team the Oklahoma Thunder.  Reasons the state has been attracting businesses is that the state and local governments have been promising tax breaks, subsidies, and other sweeteners.

In other words, it isn’t just the free market that has brought prosperity to Oklahoma.  Do you think these government programs are legitimate?  (Take into consideration the difference between local governments and federal governments.)

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