Special Election Day Edition

Special Election Day Edition November 2, 2010

Today Americans go to the polls to vote.  In our ongoing discussion of those forbidden topics of religion and politics, I want to underscore that the two are, literally, different realms; that is to say, different Kingdoms.  Christianity is not about politics.  It is possible for two Christians to agree in the faith and yet disagree politically, and the former is far more important than the latter.  And yet we do have vocations as citizens, so participating in the deliberations of civil government has great value.

Anyway, today we will attend to politics and what looks to be a very interesting and potentially significant election.  In this post, feel free to comment upon the election as it unfolds:  your predictions, your local issues, what you see happening where you live, the key races, the final results.

Don’t get so caught up in online discussions that you forget to vote!

"This discussion about the current situation seems so ideological. As if the answer for every ..."

The Vocation Option
"I don't think this piece fairly characterizes the "Benedict option", but it's a common mischaracterization. ..."

The Vocation Option
"No; you're reading these things as either/or. They are not. Again, the marriage analogy is ..."

The Vocation Option
""The point of human life is not merely to change diapers or whatever other task ..."

The Vocation Option

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