“God is really blessing the LCMS”

“God is really blessing the LCMS” February 11, 2013

Todd Wilken with an important  reminder in light of the uproar over the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod’s stand against our civil religion, with its president disciplining a pastor for participating in an interfaith service for the school shootings in Connecticut:

God is really blessing the LCMS this week.

How do I know? Here’s how.

All I had to do was read some recent comments on the LCMS Facebook page after the story of the Pr. Morris’ apology hit the secular press. Here are just a few of those comments:

Reminding me so much of the way the Pharisees, Sanhedrin, Sadducees acted. SHAME ON YOU LCMS.

It’s Christless idiots like president Harrison that drive souls into atheism. I say Excommunicate him & those like him.

Wow, I’m so glad I don’t belong to your hateful congregation …Ignorance, intolerance, bigotry, misogyny, and small men puffed up with self-importance are your legacy to the world.

Thanks for reminding me why I got out of your godforsaken religion as soon as I could. 34 years and going strong without your poisonous influence.

How can you possibly be so arrogant as to think YOU know what “the truth” is?

What kind of so called Christians do Gods work by forbidding it’s flock from “joint worship with other religions.”? Quit lying to yourselves and the world. You people are NOT Christians!

Your church is beyond shameful.

You are exactly what is wrong with current organized religion.

It makes you look like exactly what you are: small, backward scumbags.

And not unexpectedly, at least one of our serving District Presidents and a former Synodical President have decided to pile on and join in the chorus of criticism.

Well, that’s what they say. What does Jesus say? Here’s what:

Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad. (Matthew 5:11-12)

That’s what’s happening to the LCMS this week. That’s how I know God is blessing the LCMS this week. Jesus says so.

It doesn’t sound like God’s blessing; it sounds like man’s cursing. It doesn’t feel like God’s blessing; it feels like the world’s hatred.

Critics outside the LCMS and political opportunists inside the LCMS can say whatever they want. We believe what Jesus says. And He says that this is God’s blessing. Rejoice, be glad.


via Steadfast Lutherans » Rejoice. It’s Been a Week of Blessing.

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