Sex Strike

Sex Strike July 17, 2013

As the abortion battles shift to the states, pro-abortionists are all fired up over Texas, which passed a bill banning the procedure after 20 weeks (that’s 5 months!).  This despite a  filibuster by Texas lawmaker Wendy Davis, who has become the new hero of the pro-abortion movement.  But a writer for the Huffington Post, Vivian Norris, is proposing a new tactic.  She is calling on  women to refuse to have sex with husbands or boyfriends who do not believe in late-term abortions.

Maybe pro-lifers should stand in solidarity with their opponents and honor this picket line with a Lysistrata tactic of their own.  Men should refuse to have sex with a woman who would take the life of the child they might conceive.  And women should refuse to have sex with a man who would pressure her to have an abortion.

Perhaps this could help to re-associate having sex with having children, situating sex back into marriage and parenthood.

Actually, a good motivator not to have extra-marital sex, at least for Christian men, would be the thought not just that “she might get pregnant” but that “she might get an abortion.”

Here is the opening of the sex strike manifesto:  Vivian Norris: Texas Women: Stop Having Sex With Men Who Vote Against Your Best Interests:

“A sex strike, sometimes called a sex boycott, is a strike, a method of non-violent resistance in which one or multiple persons refrain from sex with their partner(s) to achieve certain goals. It is a form of temporary sexual abstinence. Sex strikes have been used to protest many issues, from water resources to employment equity.” (Wikipedia)

In Kenya, when violence broke out after political elections a few years back, the women in Kenya stopped having sex with the men until the violence ended. Guess what? The men quit fighting one another. We’ve all been there, attracted to that man who does not mean well for us. We sure would not want our daughters dating or married to these kinds of guys who think they should decide what is best for women. How perfectly patriarchal, these Texas men trying to not hear what women want have shown themselves to be, but how incredibly out of touch with today’s reality. Women of Texas, it’s going to be a long hot summer — make sure the men who do not deeply respect and support women feel it.

As a native Texan, and someone who has survived 100-plus-degree temperatures for many summers, I can tell you, this summer in Texas is surely going to be hotter than usual. Sultry, sweaty summers can be made much nicer when good old-fashioned sex is part of the picture. But women, take heed: Don’t give in if your man, boyfriend, husband, toyboy is not voting for your best interests, your reproductive health — do not sleep with that man! I don’t care how cute or charming he is! I don’t care if he is your husband of many years. Resist! Go swimming! Meditate!

Do not make him dinner, do not go fetch him a cold beer from the fridge, do not iron that shirt, hell, do not change that diaper… do not make his life a little nicer this summer if he does not “get it” and learn to respect women! Instead, volunteer some time for senators like Wendy Davis, go with a group of women to Austin and make your voices heard. Get on the computer and the social networks and organize.

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