The Crown of the Aged

The Crown of the Aged September 24, 2013

I am the grateful recipient of the Biblical blessing:  “May you see your children’s children!” (Psalm 128:6).  I can also relate to this text:   “Grandchildren are the crown of the aged” (Proverbs 17:6).  I now have eight of those crowns, with the birth of Michael Gustavus Moerbe. I will spare you the usual grandparents’ deluge of pictures, but I have posted one after the jump.

Here is young Michael Gustavus with one of his big sisters.
"According to Wikipedia, the story follows the structure of Dante's Purgatorio, and quotes Tolkien, "... ..."

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"Yes, that's how I tried to apply it as well."

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"Well put. Reading Leaf long ago expanded my vision of the Christian life and I ..."

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