The mystery of the missing Boeing 777

The mystery of the missing Boeing 777 March 11, 2014

On Saturday, Malaysian Airlines flight 370, flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers, just vanished.  As of right now, no one has found any debris.  An oil slick that was slighted turned out to be ship fuel.  The sea is shallow.  But still, nothing.

Terrorism is an obvious explanation.  Four passengers were carrying stolen passports.  They have been identified as Iranians, but sources say they were using the passports in an immigration scheme, not terrorism.  But who knows?  Some suspect a missile attack, possibly from North Korea.  But satellite surveillance detected no explosion.  Some are saying the plane was just stolen, to be used in a later 9-11 style attack.

Surely the intense searching will find something soon.  But right now, it’s a mystery.

Here are links to some interesting articles on the story:

Malaysia air probe finds scant evidence of attack: sources | Reuters.

Could it have been a North Korean missile?

Why is there no debris?

Fake passport holders identified.

Conspiracy theories.

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