Thoughts on Ferguson shooting

Thoughts on Ferguson shooting August 19, 2014

We’ve blogged about the militarization of the police (here and here), but what about the shooting of Michael Brown by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri?  Some say the 18-year-old was just minding his own business walking down the street when the police officer killed him in cold blood.  Police have put out a more complicated  story.  But let’s assume the police story is true. . . .

  • The young man had just robbed a convenience store, assaulting a worker and stealing a package of cigarillos.  But still, policemen should arrest someone for doing that, but that doesn’t call for the use of deadly force against an unarmed suspect.
  • The young man refused the officer’s order to get out of the street.  But you don’t shoot someone for jaywalking.
  • The young man tussled with the officer.   Then he should have been physically subdued by the officer and his partner, handcuffed, and taken to jail.  Not shot. 
  • The officer used his weapon when he felt threatened.  But he didn’t need to keep shooting him six times.
  • The protesters have a case, but they lose their moral authority when they start looting and burning.  Those shop owners didn’t kill Michael Brown.  They are innocent victims. It isn’t “justice” to pillage their stores and set them on fire.
  • Both the shooting and the riots are violations of social order, which we must have.  (See the First Use of the Law.)  So Governor Jay Nixon (a Democrat) has called out the National Guard.  This is a constitutionally authorized use of the National Guard, which the governor has activated to restore “peace and order to this community.” 



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