April Fools’ Day Central

April Fools’ Day Central April 1, 2015

If you come across any amusing April Fool’s Day pranks–on the internet, in the media, in actual life–please tell about them here.  Read this for the origins, though it sounds like no one really knows for sure, with the explanations themselves sounding like hoaxes.

"I really don't associate the political moniker "conservative" with the act of conserving things. I ..."

Conservatives Conserving a Liberal Status Quo
"Yes. And yet, isn't there also the principle that as followers of Jesus, we aren't ..."

Conservatives Conserving a Liberal Status Quo
"... conserving traditional moral convictions and ways of life, time-tested wisdom from centuries past on ..."

Conservatives Conserving a Liberal Status Quo
"I talked a bit about this back when the first live action Wonder Woman movie ..."

Conservatives Conserving a Liberal Status Quo

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