Keeping Easter going

Keeping Easter going April 6, 2015

It’s still Easter, that season lasting for the 40 days in which Christ was with His disciples again, culminating in His Ascension, and then adding the next 10 days that take us to Pentecost.  So we should keep  Easter going, by continuing to contemplate Christ’s resurrection and what it means for each of us.

We’ve been going to lots of church lately and hearing lots of sermons.  Give the insights you have gained this season by telling about them in the comments section.  I’ll go first, after the jump.From a friend of mine, as we discussed Christianity’s hard times:

When things are at the worst, that’s when God acts.   They thought they had finished off Jesus.  They killed Him.  Then they put Him in a tomb.  Then they shut Him in with a rock.  Then they put guards outside.  Who would have bet on Jesus then?

From the Easter Sunday sermon by my son-in-law Ned Moerbe. . . .He was discussing the abrupt first ending of Mark, which ends before giving an actual appearance of the resurrected Christ, stopping with the angelic “young man” proclaiming the resurrection to the women at the tomb.  Ned said that Mark is ending His Gospel by putting the readers in the same position as those women.  He said that today a young man in white (him in his vestments) is proclaiming to you that Christ is risen.   Church is our Galilee, our garden, where we are seeking Him.  And we do meet the Risen Christ in the bread and wine of Holy Communion.

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