An AARP for kids

An AARP for kids May 14, 2015

A California group has announced that it intends to become an “AARP for kids.”  I don’t think that means getting children discounts at Denny’s.  The goal will be to lobby for children’s rights.

I don’t know the ideology of this particular organization.  Will they lobby for children’s right to be brought up by their mother and their father?  Or will they lobby for children’s rights over and against their parents’ rights?  Will they lobby against abortion and other kinds of infanticide?  Somehow I don’t think so.

But I predict that the next battle line in the war against the family will be liberating children from the authority of their parents.  Watch for anti-spanking laws (which other Western countries already have) and the rhetoric that will go with them to demonize anyone who dares to disagree with them. (“What?  You want it to be legal to hit children?”)

From Emma Brown, California nonprofit group seeks to become ‘AARP for kids’ – The Washington Post:

A California nonprofit organization known for its ratings of children’s media announced Monday that it will seek to become a national nonpartisan voice advocating for educational technology, early childhood education and other children’s issues.

Common Sense Media, which produces free reviews and ratings of television shows, movies, video games and apps aimed at children, said it has raised $20 million to seed its new effort, Common Sense Kids Action.

James P. Steyer, the organization’s founder and chief executive, said he wants to tap into the 65 million users of Common Sense reviews, turning them into “an army of advocates for kids.”

“Our goal is to be AARP for kids,” Steyer said in a telephone interview Monday. “We’re going to ask people to step up and make kids and education the number one priority in this country.”

Steyer said the group will push state and federal lawmakers to take action on a broad range of issues, from access to digital classroom technology and the privacy of student data — an area in which it already is a firmly established voice — to improving career and technical education and addressing child poverty.

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