Exorcising America

Exorcising America July 13, 2015

A group of Roman Catholic clerics in Mexico recently conducted an exorcism designed to cast the demons out of the whole country.  Now there are calls for an exorcism to cast the demons out of America.

Do you consider this (1) a good idea (2) something that couldn’t hurt (3) papist superstition (4) questionable theology?

From Does the US Need a Nationwide Exorcism? | Daily News | NCRegister.com:

Can — or should — an exorcism be done for the United States, as was done in Mexico this past May?

Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, the archbishop emeritus of Guadalajara, performed the rite, together with priests from across Mexico, at the Cathedral of San Luis Potosí in a closed-door ceremony. The purpose: to drive away the evil responsible for skyrocketing violence, abortion and drugs in that predominantly-Catholic nation.

Such “exorcisms … have helped bring awareness that there is such a thing as sin influenced by Satan,” said Msgr. John Esseff, a priest for 62 years in the Diocese of Scranton, Pa., and an exorcist for more than 35 years.

“The devil has much to do with [influencing people in] breaking the law of God,” he said.

But an exorcism over the United States is unlikely, according to Msgr. Esseff.

Instead, he said such action can be done diocese by diocese, and he encourages each bishop to do so. “Every bishop is the chief exorcist of his own diocese,” Msgr. Esseff said. “Anytime anyone with the authority uses his power against Satan, that is powerful. Every priest and bishop has that power.”

During the exorcism of a diocese, Msgr. Esseff explained that the bishop calls on the power of Jesus over every court, every single institution, every individual and every family. “The whole country would have such power if bishops would exorcise their dioceses.”. . .

Father Gary Thomas, pastor at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Saratoga, Calif., and the exorcist for the Diocese of San Jose, said he has seen notable improvements after exorcising homes and when he re-dedicated a church.

However, he is cautious about the idea of exorcising an entire country.

“I’m not really sure about the efficaciousness of that,” he said. “I think there are too many implications we cannot back up if we start saying we are going to exorcise a country.” He also cautioned against making a public announcement when exorcising a geographic area because there is usually backlash in the form of skepticism and ridicule.

“I’m not saying it’s a bad idea — just that, if it’s done, it should be done quietly.”



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