Jim Gilmore becomes the 17th G.O.P. contender

Jim Gilmore becomes the 17th G.O.P. contender July 31, 2015

Jim Gillmore is running for the Republican presidential nomination.  You may be forgiven for wondering, “who?”  He is the former governor of Virginia with quite a few accomplishments, detailed after the jump.  He is the Republican’s 17th contender.  Their first debate, featuring the top 10 in the polls, will be next Thursday, August 6.

We have been giving equal time for each candidate.  Can anyone make the case for Jim Gillmore?

From Ex-Virginia Gov. Gilmore enters White House race | Fox News:

Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore formally announced his bid for the White House Thursday, becoming the 17th Republican presidential primary candidate.

“I am a candidate for president because our current Washington leadership is guiding America on a path to decline, and I can reverse that decline,” Gilmore said in a video message to supporters.

Gilmore filed paperwork earlier this week with the Federal Election Commission. His announcement comes one week before the first Republican primary debate, hosted by Fox News and Facebook.

Gilmore, a former Army intelligence officer, served as Virginia’s governor from 1998 to 2002. . . .

Gilmore acknowledged in his video message that he’s entering at a time when many other candidates’ campaigns are already well underway.

But his campaign cited his experience, not only as governor but as Virginia attorney general and chairman of a national terrorism commission.

“Today we live in a dangerous world that has become more dangerous because of the Obama-Clinton foreign policy failures,” he said. “Our allies believe they can’t count on us and our adversaries neither fear nor respect us.”

He added: “I do not seek the presidency because I want to be something. I seek it because I want to do something — for America.”

He has said his record as a national security expert and a fiscal conservative will help set him apart in a crowded Republican field, though most of the others have greater name recognition and better financing than Gilmore.

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