The Carly Fiorina challenge

The Carly Fiorina challenge September 21, 2015

During the last presidential candidate debate, Carly Fiorina–who has jumped to second place in the polls–posed the following challenge:

I dare Hillary Clinton [and] Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully-formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’ This is about the character of our nation.

The media and abortion apologists have come back saying that those images are not on the videos and accusing Fiorina of lying.  But Glenn Stanton says that they are, giving the video clip segments to prove it.

From Glenn T. Stanton, Fiorina Was Right| First Things:

Mrs. Fiorina certainly did not misspeak. Each of the above sources got it exactly wrong. Everything she described in the debate is all plainly here in the video, starting at 5:37. (WARNING: It is graphic and upsetting.)

[See the video at the link]

Here is where each point she made is shown. You be the judge as to who got it right.

1.”Watch a fully-formed fetus on the table” (see 5:59)

2.”…its heart beating, its legs kicking” (see 5:37 – 6:10)

3.”…while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’” (see 6:07 – 6:49)


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