A blog for Lutheran writers

A blog for Lutheran writers February 2, 2016

My daughter Mary J. Moerbe, herself a writer with whom I have collaborated,  has started a blog for Lutheran writers.  It’s called Meet, Write, and Salutary.  (Get it?)  It’s full of tips, information, advice, and support for Christian writers and Lutheran writers in particular.   Check it out.

"I'm not sure how believing in any kind of supernatural presupposition eliminates subjective preference. You're ..."

DISCUSSION: God Is Watching
"It's short and in the public domain--here's a reasonable translation. https://en.wikisource.org/w..."

DISCUSSION: God Is Watching
"Can't say I've read the tale, but it sounds like it has a positive message."

DISCUSSION: God Is Watching
"I'm sure materialists differ in how seriously and completely they take their materialist beliefs. The ..."

DISCUSSION: God Is Watching

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