New Hampshire votes today

New Hampshire votes today February 9, 2016

Today is the New Hampshire primary.  The two scariest candidates, to many people’s minds, are far ahead in the polls:  Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.  The big question is which Republican candidate  will come in second.  It likely won’t be Cruz, in non-religious New England.  And it will be interesting to see if Rubio survives his debate debacle.  At any rate, the New Hampshire runner-up will attract lots of attention and donors as the non-Trump alternative.

Does anyone have any predictions of how the voting will go?

From New Hampshire voters could reshape the presidential race in Tuesday’s primary – LA Times:

New Hampshire voters could dramatically reshape the race for president on Tuesday, boosting insurgent candidates who have connected with a discontented electorate or providing a second wind to establishment figures struggling to build support.

New York businessman Donald Trump, whose scorched-earth speeches have captivated people disillusioned with politics, is positioned to win the Republican primary, according to all public polls, allowing him to rebound after a second-place finish in the Iowa caucuses.

But second place – and third place and fourth – is up for grabs in a state known for its large number of independent voters who can remain undecided right up until they approach the ballot box. . . .

How the primary shakes out could determine whether the field rapidly narrows to a three-person race involving Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and one candidate more acceptable to the party establishment, or whether mainstream voters will remain divided among multiple White House hopefuls.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has fought an uphill battle against Bernie Sanders, the senator from neighboring Vermont who has consistently held large leads in New Hampshire. The contest between the two – once expected to be a coronation for Clinton, the former secretary of State and the favorite for the Democratic establishment – has become increasingly tense since she eked out a narrow victory in the Iowa caucuses last week.

[Keep reading. . .] 

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