Scientific outrage!

Scientific outrage! March 10, 2016

A paper on the workings of the human hand published in a scientific journal uses the term “creator” and “design,” sparking sputtering outrage and calls for boycotting the publication.

The authors, most of whom are Chinese, say the apparent reference to Intelligent Design was a mistake due to a mistranslation.  Chinese writing does tend to be much more lyrical and metaphorical than the generally dull Western academic prose.

But it’s interesting how so many scientists are set off by words and are so eager to silence people. They do not want themselves to be exposed to anything incompatible with their materialistic worldview, not allowing anything to the contrary to be so much as uttered.  Even the news account from a British publication, excerpted after the jump, feels that it must refer to Intelligent Design as a “pseudo-science.”

From Scientific paper which says the human hand was designed by a ‘Creator’ sparks controversy | Science | News | The Independent:

A recent scientific paper on the movement of the human hand has faced strong criticism for referring to a ‘Creator’ throughout.

The paper, titled: ‘Biomechanical characteristics of hand coordination in grasping activities of daily living’ was written by a team of four researchers, three from Huazhong University in China, and one from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts.

Published in the PLOS ONE journal, the fairly conventional study looked at the mechanics of how we grasp things, and involved the measurement of the hand movements of 30 participants.

In the opening sentences of the study, it claims the link between muscles and hand movements is the product of “proper design by the Creator.”

Later, it says human hand coordination “should indicate the mystery of the Creator’s invention,” and concludes by again claiming the mechanical architecture of the hand is the result of “proper design by the Creator.

Naturally, the multiple references to intelligent design in a reputable journal like PLOS ONE have stoked anger in the scientific community, and many people, including researchers who work as editors for the publication, are now calling for it to be retracted.

The paper’s authors appeared to acknowledge their mistakes in the comments section, saying the references to the ‘Creator’ were down to translation errors rather than a belief in intelligent design.

Other comments on the paper called its publication “unacceptable”, and criticised the “sloppy job” done by the reviewers and editors. Some scientists said the journal should be boycotted unless amends are made.

[Keep reading. . .]

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