An Islamist’s vision of Jesus

An Islamist’s vision of Jesus April 22, 2016

We have been blogging about Muslims converting to Christianity, often because they have had a vision of Jesus.  After the jump is an account of a specific Islamist, who had been plotting against a former Muslim who had become a Christian pastor.  The story lacks specifics–the full names, the place–so it might be questioned (though perhaps such vagueness is necessary to protect those mentioned).  It is clearly from a charismatic perspective.  I’m most interested in the details of the vision and of how, again, like the visions in Acts, it leads him to the Bible, so that his conversion is by the Word, rather than by the vision.

From Mark Ellis, Islamic terrorist hunted pastor, but Jesus foiled plot with unusual vision, Assist News:

“I was watching with two others from an ambulance near the hospital to see his [the pastor he was persecuting] daughter’s death. Our plan was to kidnap the dead body along with his family in our ambulance,” Rashid recounts.

Then something happened that amazed Rashid. “I saw a ball of light came down from the sky and stand over the room where his daughter was lying unconscious,” he says.

To his utter disbelief he watched a hand come from the ball of light, touch the pastor’s daughter, and she immediately regained consciousness and stood up.

He was astonished to see a hole in the middle of the hand and that blood was flowing down. “I trembled with fear,” Rashid says. “I felt giddy and fell down. My friends moved me from there at once.”

After this unusual incident Rashid found it difficult to sleep. When he attempted to drift off, a vision of the hand entered his mind.

The following night a shadow of a human face appeared with the hand and asked him why he was “nailing him.”

“I lost my peace,” Rashid recalls. He was afraid to say anything to his friends.

Surprisingly, Rashid had a Bible in his room. “Actually I was using its verses for criticizing Christianity and justifying Islam.”

He opened the Bible and his eyes fell on this verse: “That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.” (John 1:9-10 KJV)

“I understood it was about Jesus,” he says. He realized the ball of light that came from above was actually Jesus, who suffered when he was nailed to the cross.

His heart softened, Rashid went to see Pastor Paul and shared everything with him. Unsure what his reaction might be, he was surprised when Pastor Paul embraced him, with tears running down his face.

“I was once an enemy of Jesus Christ, but he loved me,” Pastor Paul said. “He was crucified — gave His life for me – then He rose from the dead. Because of His love I can love you, because Christ loves you. I believe Jesus Christ Himself brought you here to share this love and to find salvation.”

“Jesus is the prince of peace,” he continued. “And He will give you peace. Accept Him as your Savior,” he exhorted.

Rashid surrendered his heart to Jesus Christ and was born again. “I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal savior, was baptized and received the gifts of the Holy Spirit and I’m evangelizing people through “Bibles for Mideast,” he says. He has become one of their key leaders.

[Keep reading. . .] 

"I'm not sure how believing in any kind of supernatural presupposition eliminates subjective preference. You're ..."

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"It's short and in the public domain--here's a reasonable translation."

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"Can't say I've read the tale, but it sounds like it has a positive message."

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