Cruz’s chances are hurt by Republicans who can’t stand him

Cruz’s chances are hurt by Republicans who can’t stand him May 3, 2016

Ted Cruz’s efforts to win the Republican nomination in smoke-filled rooms are complicated by the fact that so many of his colleagues in the party just can’t stand him.

Former Speaker of the House John Boehner went so far to call him “Lucifer in the flesh” and that he had “never worked with a more miserable s__ of a b____ in my life.”  Boehner said that he would vote for Trump before he would vote for Cruz.  Now, just days after his own people announced an alliance with John Kasich, Cruz is denying any such alliance, leading the Kasich people to denounce him as a “liar.”  A story on how Cruz made so many enemies after the jump.

From Sean Sullivan and Ed O’Keefe,  Cruz’s latest fight with fellow Republicans is a reminder: Many don’t like the guy – The Washington Post:

In the space of just 7 minutes here on Thursday, Ted Cruz reminded fellow Republicans that he has few friends in the party.

First he tangled with former House speaker John A. Boehner, a longtime foe who so dislikes Cruz that he labeled him “Lucifer in the flesh.” Then Cruz undercut another Republican, fellow presidential candidate John Kasich, who had entered into an alliance with him to stop GOP front-runner Donald Trump.

“There is no alliance,” Cruz told reporters on Thursday, acting as if a pact announced by his own campaign days before had never happened.

Minutes later, Kasich strategist John Weaver dispatched a cryptic tweet: “I can’t stand liars.”

For Cruz, it was just another day of brawling with leading figures from his own party — a role that has formed the cornerstone of his short political career. But for many Republicans, it crystallized an overriding problem for Cruz’s campaign: Many people simply don’t like him.

Source: Cruz’s latest fight with fellow Republicans is a reminder: Many don’t like the guy – The Washington Post

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