Indiana Primary results

Indiana Primary results May 3, 2016

Donald Trump had a big win in usually conservative Indiana, likely ending Ted Cruz’s chances.  Early projections had Trump leading with 53% of the vote, to Cruz’s 36.2% and John Kasich’s 8.1%.  Trump will win at least 45 delegates, putting him over 1,000.  He now needs just over 200 to win a majority and the Republican nomination.

The Democratic race was neck-and-neck, with early returns having Bernie Sanders leading with 51.7% to Hillary Clinton’s 48.3%.

From Trump dashes Cruz’s hopes in Indiana; Sanders-Clinton close (Associated Press):

Donald Trump took a major step toward sewing up the Republican presidential nomination Tuesday with a victory in Indiana’s primary election, dashing the hopes of rival Ted Cruz and other GOP forces who fear the brash businessman will doom their party in the general election.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were vying for victory in the Democratic primary, though it was too early to call the race as votes were being tallied. Clinton already is 91 percent of the way to her party’s nomination.

While Trump can’t mathematically clinch the GOP nomination with his victory in Indiana, his path now becomes easier and he has more room for error in the remaining primary contests. The real estate mogul will collect at least 45 of Indiana’s 57 delegates, and now needs less than 200 more in upcoming contests.

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From  Kyle Cheney, Trump Conquers, Politico:

It was the night Donald Trump broke his enemies.

The mogul notched an easy win in Indiana’s crucial primary on Tuesday, crushing top rival Ted Cruz and catapulting himself within reach of the Republican presidential nomination. The anti-Trump movement within the Republican Party appeared toothless in its effort to stop him, and the harder Cruz flailed to wound his rival, the stronger Trump seemed to get.

The contest was called for Trump as soon as polls closed in Indiana. With more than a third of precincts reporting, the real estate mogul led with 53 percent of the vote, compared to 36.2 percent for Cruz and 8.1 percent for John Kasich. With the decisive win, Trump jumped over the 1,000 mark in the delegate race, and he quickly re-upped his call for Cruz to drop out.

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