Top 5 religion and politics stories so far

Top 5 religion and politics stories so far May 18, 2016

The Religious News Service, not being able to wait for the New Year, issued a list of the top 5 religious and politics stories so far.  It is very telling.  I post the topics after the jump.  Go to the link for details about each one.

Can you add some more?  I’ll add one.

From Tobin Grant,  Top 5 surprising religion and politics stories (and it’s only May) | Religion News Service:

1. Hillary Clinton is now most religious candidate for president [She is a liberal social gospel Methodist.]

2. Still no Protestants on U.S. Supreme Court 

3. Only one other WASP leader in the other branches [That would be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.]

4. Pro-life Democrats: From voting bloc to near-extinction in six years  [Six years ago, there were 40 in the House of Representatives.  Now there are 2.]

5. Hindus for Trump  [Hindu activists have started an organized effort to pray to their idols for Trump’s victory.  They think he will be tougher on Muslims.]

[Go here for details about each story.]

I would add the bizarre phenomenon of Moral Majority stalwarts like Phyllis Schlafly and the president of Liberty University abandoning their earlier “Christian character” standards to endorse Donald Trump.

What else?

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