Why did Clinton set up her own e-mail account?

Why did Clinton set up her own e-mail account? May 31, 2016

Hillary Clinton is in legal trouble for using her own private e-mail server for State Department business, which is against the law.  Her hackable server may have also endangered national security.  So why did she do this?  Carl Bernstein, the investigative reporter who helped break the Watergate scandal, gives the answer.  See why she did it after the jump.

From Carl Bernstein, interview with CNN:

Hillary Clinton did not want her e-mails subjected to the Freedom of Information Act or subpoenas from Congress, and that’s why she set up a home-brew server. I think we all know that. People around her will tell you that in private if you really get them behind a closed door.

Source: Hillary Clinton, 2016 — Joe Biden & Elizabeth Warren Could Be the Democratic Ticket If . . . | National Review

So this wasn’t like using your AOL account at work.  She was deliberately trying to evade not just this law but the bigger laws that keep government officials in line and accountable to the public.


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