Final plots to stop Trump at the convention

Final plots to stop Trump at the convention June 21, 2016

Most of the Republican party establishment has reconciled itself to the fact that Donald Trump will be the party’s nominee.  But as he keeps making embarrassing, unpresidential statements, racks up a record 70% unfavorable rating, and falls farther behind Hillary Clinton in the polls, some Republican operatives are thinking up last-ditch efforts to stop him at the convention.  These have to do with various ways of changing the convention rules so as to free delegates to vote their conscience, rather than following the primary or caucus results in their states.  One possibility is to allow delegates to abstain on the first ballot, which might prevent Trump from getting a majority on the first ballot, which would throw open the convention.

Such tactics might not work anyway.  Allowed to vote their conscience, many or most delegates will have their conscience telling them to either vote for Trump or to vote the way their state told them to.  Besides, there is no other candidate on the horizon who can or is willing to be a Trump alternative.  And if the effort succeeded to (literally) steal the nomination from Trump as given to him by voters, the public would surely and rightly charge the Republican party with violating the democratic process it established.  Republicans would be doomed either way, whether they nominate Trump or don’t.

Still, should NeverTrumpers make a last stand at the convention, which is coming up on July 18?  See what some operatives are planning after the jump.

As Republican angst about Donald Trump grows closer to panic, some longtime GOP strategists and donors are discussing creative ways to cut their presumptive nominee loose at their convention in July.

There’s renewed talk in some Republican circles to find a way out as Trump lags big time behind Hillary Clinton in several new polls, and he has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate for a major party on record — 70% in this week’s Washington Post-ABC poll.
One source with knowledge of these discussions underscores to CNN, however, that all of the ideas being bandied about now are highly unlikely to see fruition — mostly because this kind of move to get rid of a nominee elected by GOP primary and caucus voters would be unprecedented. And a second source says he has spoken directly to senior GOP operatives with extensive convention experience who are actively exploring how to dump Trump.
Still, here are some options they are exploring:

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