“Sully” screenwriter on vocation

“Sully” screenwriter on vocation September 15, 2016

The screenwriter for Clint Eastwood’s movie Sully, about the pilot who saved his passengers by landing in the Hudson River, is a devout Christian.

In talking about his faith and his movie, Todd Komarnicki discusses vocation, though he doesn’t use the term.  But he gets the concept:  God works through people.

From Czarina Ong, ‘Sully’ movie writer shares how God guided him as he wrote the script: ‘My faith is the central thing to my existence’

Screenwriter Todd Komarnicki is deeply inspired by the main characters of the Clint Eastwood film “Sully,” which tells the story on how Capt. Chelsey Sullenberger (Tom Hanks) and First Officer Jeff Skiles (Aaron Eckhart) managed to safely land an Airbus A320 airliner carrying 155 passengers and crew in the Hudson River on Jan. 15, 2009 after losing both engines of the plane due to multiple bird strikes.

Before writing the movie’s script, Komarnicki tells the Gospel Herald that he asked God for guidance so that he would be able to do justice in writing the epic story.

“My faith is the central thing to my existence; it’s why I’m alive,” he says. “I’m very steeped in prayer. I pray throughout the day, and I pray before I write, I pray while I write. It’s all part of the same piece for me.”

Komarnicki says Sully’s story is the perfect example of how God works in mysterious ways and uses people to carry out His plans. “God is constantly working in our lives, and most of the time we don’t notice that His invisible hand is ever present,” he says. “He works through people. He didn’t reach into the cockpit and land that plane; Sully landed that plane, and next to him was his co-pilot. The brave passengers got off the plane, and the flight attendants and crew were amazing, and the rescue workers that came — physical human beings raced to rescue to pull this off. It’s the miracle on the Hudson, and it’s an act of wonder and grace.”

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