Terrorist attacks Christmas marketplace 

Terrorist attacks Christmas marketplace  December 21, 2016

31164469396_d017be2f5a_mA truck plowed through the crowded Christmas marketplace in Berlin, killing 12 and injuring 52.  Some German officials are saying the country is in a “state of war.”  ISIS claims responsibility.  Details after the jump.

UPDATE:  The killer, who had sworn allegiance to ISIS, was shot to death by an Italian police officer.

In other terrorist news, A security guard assassinated the Russian ambassador to Turkey.  The murderer, whose crime was caught on video, shouted jihadist slogans condemning Russia’s involvement in Syria and the killing of civilians in Aleppo.

From Daily Mail (UK):

‘Germany is at war’: Berlin on alert for new terror attack as police hunt armed ISIS gunman who killed 12 people in lorry massacre – after security services admit they got the WRONG man

  • Security sources have told one German newspaper the real killer could still be on loose with a gun
  • Senior police chief said: ‘We have wrong man. Perpetrator is armed, at large and can cause further damage’
  • Arrested Pakistani asylum seeker Naved B, 23, entered country under false name and has criminal record
  • Asylum seeker was living inside hangar for immigrants at a Berlin airport since raided by commandos at 4am
  • At least 48 injured and 12 dead after truck mowed down shoppers at 40mph in a busy Christmas market
  • Three of the dead have not yet been identified but six victims have been confirmed as German citizens
  • Driver steered at crowds – including children – along 80 metre stretch of pavement packed with stalls
  • Masked killer fled scene but was pursued by ‘hero’ witness who chased him on foot and led police to him
  • Polish-registered lorry understood ‘stolen by hijacker’, who may have murdered driver Lukasz Urban
  • Angela Merkel says Germany is in ‘mourning’ – but terror attack could be hammer blow to 2017 election hopes

[Keep reading. . .]


Photo by Sergey Galyonkin, Christmas Market near Kaiser Wilhelm Square, Creative Commons License.

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