How our politicized media would review the Narnia books

How our politicized media would review the Narnia books February 24, 2017

Our media is highly politicized across the spectrum, obsessed–pro- or con- or somewhere in between–with the Donald Trump phenomenon.  No one can escape it!  And in print, on screen, and online pundits are interpreting non-Trump phenomena in Trumpian terms.

My former student John Ehrett, of whom I am proud, has a hilarious piece in The Federalist about what various outlets would say if The Chronicles of Narnia were to be published today.

He looks at 21 media outlets, from The New York Times to Patheos, and nails the sensibility and obsessions of each one.

Samples after the jump.

From John Ehrett, Here Are Media Hottakes If The Chronicles Of Narnia Were Released Now:

The Federalist: “17 Reasons Puddleglum Is The Most Hopeful Character In Literature”
We promise, there really is something good to be found in bottom-feeder mass-market material. Also, it has something to do with sex, gender, and Alexis de Tocqueville. Can’t we get that in the title?

First Things: “Cair Paravel Against the World”
In the face of mounting cultural opposition, “Narnia” shows us how to preserve our institutions. Also, Pope Francis really needs to clarify his stance on animal souls.

Huffington Post: “Nevertheless, Lucy Persisted”
Despite her brothers’ attempts to mansplain away what she found in the wardrobe, Lucy kept talking and ended up the Queen. (Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, by the way).

Mother Jones: “Why the Dwarfs Must Always Be for the Dwarfs”
In the face of unprecedented Narnian and Calormene labor exploitation, the Dwarfs of King Tirian’s Narnia retained solidarity. American workers must follow their example. . . .

New York Times: “Amid Online ‘Narnia’ Outcry, Trump Is Silent”
The article opens with a scowling picture of the President, with Sean Spicer or Jared Kushner out-of-focus behind him. Paul Ryan is blamed for not speaking up about the “Narnia” controversy. Someone from the Center for American Progress will be quoted. . . .

Patheos: “Are We All Aslan Now?”
If we can really reach inside ourselves, beyond the false dilemmas presented by the Religious Right, we can realize that we too are Aslan, armed with the courage of lions to speak truth to power.  [Hey!] . . . .

Rolling Stone: “A Swordfight on Campus”
[Retracted: This story erroneously alleged that C.S. Lewis intentionally promoted school violence in the closing pages of “The Silver Chair.” We regret the error, and will be ordering a full investigation.]

Salon: “With ‘Narnia,’ the Publishing World Takes Steps Toward Normalizing Mike Pence’s Theocracy”
Narnia is ruled by monarchs appointed directly by a deity, and that’s precisely how the Trump White House sees itself. And what’s Aslan’s position on reproductive rights? These questions need answers.

[Keep reading. . .]

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