Democrats announce their “better deal”

Democrats announce their “better deal” July 25, 2017


Franklin Delano Roosevelt had his โ€œNew Deal.โ€ ย Now Democrats have unveiled their โ€œBetter Deal.โ€

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Shumer, appearing with other Congressional Democrats,ย repeatedly used that phrase in announcing his partyโ€™s new policies.

The Better Deal aims to accomplish three things, in Shumerโ€™s words: ย โ€œFirst, weโ€™re going to increase peopleโ€™s pay. Second, weโ€™re going to reduce their everyday expenses. And third, weโ€™re going to provide workers the tools they need for the 21st century economy.โ€

He then laid out several government initiatives that Democrats want to undertake to achieve those goals.

It doesnโ€™t seem to measure up to the ambition of the New Deal or Lyndon Baines Johnsonโ€™s The Great Society. ย  Nothing trulyk ambitious or big-scale, like adopting a single payer health care plan like Great Britainโ€™s or building a Welfare State like Swedenโ€™s. ย Increase peopleโ€™s pay and make things cost less? ย That sounds rather anti-climactic for the rhetorical build-up.

Is this a winning slogan? ย A winning set of policies?

From Bridget Johnson,ย Schumer: โ€˜Old-Fashioned Capitalism Has Broken Downโ€™, PJ Media:

Declaring โ€œold-fashioned capitalism has broken down to the detriment of consumersโ€ and โ€œAdam Smith has lost his way amidst these big corporations,โ€ Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other congressional Democrats traveled to a red pocket of purple Virginia today to spell out their new agenda.

Schumer, who was joined by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) at Rose Hill Park in Berryville, Va., remarked that the town near the West Virginia borderย โ€œlooks like parts of New York state.โ€

โ€œToo many families in America feel like the rules of the economy are rigged against them. They feel like theyโ€™re getting a raw deal, and theyโ€™re right. Theyโ€™re almost powerless to change them. We are here today to tell the people of Berryville and the working people of America: someone has your back,โ€ he said.

โ€œAmerican families deserve a better deal so this country works for everyone again, not just the elites, not just the special interests. Today, Democrats start presenting that better deal to the American people.โ€

[Keep reading. . .]

Photo of FDRโ€™s fireside chat by Unknown or not provided (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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