I’m going down under

I’m going down under August 1, 2017


We’re off to Australia, where we will be for the entire month of August.  We will be visiting our daughter, son-in-law, and grand-children.

I’ll also be doing quite a bit of speaking at various places.  I’ll give three presentations at the Speak Lord 2017 conference/retreat, which will be held twice, once in Hamilton and once in Tanunda.  I’ll also speak at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Adelaide and give a public lecture at the seminary.  I’ll also be meeting with a class there.

But we are carving out lots of time for fun and family, including time in the Barossa Valley and an adventure on Kangaroo Island.

The blog will carry on.  I may not have quite as many daily posts and I might miss some days, especially when we’re out in the bush, but my intention is to keep posting.  Keep in mind too that there is a big time difference. (Australia, being across the international deadline, is a day ahead of the U.S.  Also, night here is day there, and vice versa.)  I’ll try to navigate that, but the blog entries might pop up at unusual times, so keep checking.

My only regret is that we’ll miss the solar eclipse that will be visible in the U.S. on August 21!

Photo of the Twelve Apostles rock formations off the Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia, via Pixabay, CC0, Public Domain

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