The zeal of converts

The zeal of converts August 15, 2017


Many of the critics of Pope Francis in his more liberal positions are converts to Catholicism, a fact that liberal Catholics are throwing in their face.

The gist goes something like this: ย You converted to Catholicism so now you think youโ€™re more Catholic than the pope. ย You still think like a Protestant. ย Or like a Fundamentalist. ย  Because you are a convert, you donโ€™t really understand Catholicism, which is organic, fluid, ever-developing, etc.

Now those who convert to a particular church or ideology do so because they believe in it. ย Of course converts will tend to be conservatives. ย As C. S. Lewis has observed, hardly anyone converts to the liberal forms of Christianity. ย Why should they? ย Theological liberals, on the other hand, tend to be โ€œlifersโ€ who think their church body should be changed.

I know this this true in my case, convert to Lutheranism that I am. ย It drives me to distraction when I come across โ€œLutheransโ€ who want to eliminate from our church body elements that were the very things that made me want to join it (e.g., doing away with the liturgy; downplaying doctrinal distinctives to be more like evangelicals or mainline Protestants). ย The people who want to make changesย are typically life-long members who are tired of their traditions and want to try something new. ย They donโ€™t know what itโ€™s like on the outside. ย Or why authentic Lutheranism can be so attractive to someone coming from the mainline denominations or from generic evangelicalism.

One question I have to liberals in my tradition is, if you donโ€™t like our churchโ€™s positionsโ€“on, say, womenโ€™s ordination, gay marriage, the inerrancy of Scripture, etc.โ€“why donโ€™t you go elsewhere? ย Why donโ€™t you โ€œconvertโ€ to one of the many liberal denominations that you agree with? ย Why do you want to change this one? ย The answer is usually something on the order of, โ€œThis is my church! ย I was born in this church! ย My ancestors have been members of this church for generations!โ€ ย This gives them a sense of ownership. ย And, Iโ€™m sure, a sense of annoyance at us newcomers.

At any rate, converts tend to be especially zealous for their new identity. ย This will be true also of Calvinists, Orthodox, Anglicans, and even of non-religious affiliations, such as conservatism. ย Evangelicals, of course, all have experienced aย conversion from non-belief to Christianity, which explains their zealousness. ย Church membership, though, is not such a big deal for most evangelicals, who often go from one evangelical denomination or non-denomination to another. ย I am referring here not to Christian conversion but to โ€œconversionsโ€ from one Christian tradition to another.

Catholic converts probably have it harder, though, than others. ย Many people convert to Catholicism because they have read Chesterton, Newman, and Neuhaus (all converts, by the way). ย They think in terms of the medieval synthesis; they love the idea of a universal church that doesnโ€™t change; they yearn for the majesty of the Mass. ย Then, once they go through instruction, they find themselves in a parish with a priest who favors liberation theology, feminist nuns, and an informal folk-mass that is sappier than the services they were fleeing from. ย So of course they become Catholic traditionalists, searching for Latin masses and becoming frustrated with much of contemporary American Catholicism.

I do, however, see aย potential problem in churches consisting mostly of converts. ย  More than one-third of Americans belong to a religion other than the one they were born into. ย (Most of that, I suspect, has to do with the denominational fluidity of evangelicalism, mentioned above.) ย But there can be a danger a consumerist approach to church membership, selecting a church because you โ€œlike itโ€ or because it conformsย with your beliefs. ย As opposed to being a part of a church that has formed you spiritually for your whole life.

My wife and I are converts to Lutheranism, but I am thankful that our children have had the benefit of โ€œbeing born into the church.โ€ ย They have had the benefit of baptism, Lutheran schools, confirmation, and weekly worship. ย Now that they are adults, they are still faithful Lutherans, for which we are eternally grateful. ย (I realize that it doesnโ€™t always work out that way. ย I have had students who doubt their denominational identity and even their Christianity because they think they only believe because of their upbringing, as if God didnโ€™t use the vocations of the family to bring children to Himself.)

I hope that our childrenย and their congregations will appreciate converts when they find them. ย Converts who genuinely appreciate their theological traditionย can help โ€œlifersโ€ to do the same.


Photo: ย John Ragai, adult confirmations, Flickr, Creative Commons License


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