April 1, 2008

A Saudi prince is planning on building a skyscraper that will be a mile high, twice the height of the tallest buildings today. I wonder how big the Tower of Babel was going to be.

March 31, 2008

Now Rod Dreher, author of Crunchy Cons: The New Conseervative Counterculture and Its Return to Roots, takes up the cause of Issues, Etc. It’s rather surprising to many of us how this seemingly internecine controversy within the LCMS has attracted such attention from outside our

March 31, 2008

when hope springs eternal in the human breast, as everyone’s team begins in first place. I stayed up late watching the Washington Nationals in their new stadium play the Atlanta Braves. It was a good game that the Nats won in the last inning when

March 31, 2008

I am glad to see that one of my alma maters, Kansas, is in the Final Four. You may notice that I say little about basketball in this blog. One reason is that whenever I watch basketball my team, no matter how highly favored, loses.

March 31, 2008

Yes, we decry the way Communist China (at least I’m not saying “Red China,” tODD) is oppressing the Tibetans, as well as Christians and just about everybody else. But that does not excuse the Tibetan Buddhists who murdered at least 19 innocent people just because

March 28, 2008

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod has finally released information about why its radio show “Issues, Etc.” was cancelled. According to the statement’, the church-owned radio station KFUO has been losing money on the show, and viewership numbers were not enough to justify the expense: In

March 28, 2008

M. Z. Hemingway explains everything you need to know about the current controversy over the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod’s cancellation of “Issues, Etc.” in a story in no less than the Wall Street Journal. Her piece is entitled Radio Silence. After discussing the cancellation, including

March 28, 2008

John McCain’s daughter, Meghan, is blogging about the campaign on the internet. She’s funny, cool, and oblivious to the issues. FromFortunate Daughter – washingtonpost.com: Who else could write about “town halling it” with such irrepressible sunniness? And who else cares that much about accessories? This

March 28, 2008

Appended to that Jonah article we blogged about yesterday was another tidbit from Ronald F. Marshall explaining why Islam denies that Jesus was crucified: According to the Koran, Jesus was not crucified on the cross. Some have it that he never was nailed to the

March 27, 2008

Hillary Clinton’s sniper tale is a good example of the postmodernist mindset at work: She constructed a narrative to advance her power agenda. This is legitimate, according to postmodernists, since the objectivity of truth is an illusion and, as her campaign aide put it, everyone’s

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