January 9, 2008

It is said that John McCain is no true conservative because he did not support Bush’s tax cuts. Remember, though, that economic conservatism used to mean cutting spending and balancing the budget. To this mindset, the government should not spend money it does not have,

January 9, 2008

Joe Carter tells about an interesting mathematical study proving that vampires cannot exist. If a vampire has to feed once a month and his victim becomes a vampire, and THOSE vampires drink people’s blood and turn THEM into vampires, the human race would DECREASE geometrically

January 9, 2008

Can someone explain to me the position of the “preterists”? I had assumed that had something to do with that confusing tense construction in Greek, but it has reference to Christians who believe that Jesus ALREADY came back in 70 A.D. This position is held,

January 8, 2008

Over the weekend, we saw “National Treasure 2,” the fun-but-ridiculous romp through American history, in which, among many other incidents, the Nicholas Cage figure breaks into the Oval Office and kidnaps the president (sort of). What struck me was that the president in that movie

January 8, 2008

Provocative thoughts on the meaning of the Huckabee upset–as well as why cultural issues trump economics–from David Brooks: Huckabee won because he tapped into realities that other Republicans have been slow to recognize. First, evangelicals have changed. Huckabee is the first ironic evangelical on the

January 8, 2008

Have you heard about how Hillary Clinton’s motorcade blocked Obama’s at the airport?

January 8, 2008

Sunday at the burnt out Lutheran church we blogged about last weekend, from the Los Angeles Times: In Nairobi’s slum district of Kibera, people prayed for peace Sunday under the charred cross and blackened walls of the burned Lutheran church. But in the narrow alleys

January 8, 2008

Thanks to Aardvark Alley for bestowing on this blog the coveted Golden Aardvark Award for our Christmas re-runs. This entitles the honoree (and we were one of many) to proudly display this emblem:

January 7, 2008

In her thought-provoking discussion of the caucus results, Peggy Noonan recounts a line Mike Huckabee delivered when Jay Leno asked him why he was doing so well against Mitt Romney: “People are looking for a presidential candidate who reminds them more of the guy they

January 7, 2008

Mike Huckabee is a Southern Baptist minister running, currently with some success, for the presidency. This raises an interesting issue of vocation. I’d like your help in sorting it out. During the time of the Reformation, the archbishops, in addition to their ecclesiastical functions, were

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