September 1, 2014

President Obama will reward the Congressional Medal of Honor to two  Viet Nam War vets, Sgt. Maj. Bennie G. Adkins and, posthumously, Specialist Donald P. Sloat (who jumped on a grenade to save three comrades). Also winning the nation’s highest honor posthumously is Lt. Alonzo

August 29, 2014

Socialists often “nationalize” industries.  Totalitarian governments are interested in more than economics.  China has announced plans to nationalize Christian theology. (more…)

August 29, 2014

A federal judge in Utah has ruled that the state’s law banning polygamy is unconstitutional.  If the ruling is upheld on appeal–and how could it not be?–that would have a big impact not only on radical Mormons but on American Muslims.  And, of course, anyone

August 29, 2014

Russia has reportedly invaded the Ukraine, sending two armored columns that captured a town near the border. (more…)

August 28, 2014

Last year almost to the day we blogged about  Rev. Henry Gerecke, the LCMS military chaplain who was pressed into service as the Protestant chaplain at Nuremberg, charged with ministering to the Nazi war criminals who were on trial there, many of whom were executed. 

August 28, 2014

We blogged about whether police are too militarized.  But, as Mark Hemingway shows, in what his wife Mollie calls the new administrative state, our federal bureaucracies–including those that have nothing to do with law enforcement–are also militarized.  He shows that the Department of Health &

August 28, 2014

Fighting ALS (“Lou Gehrig’s Disease”) is a worthy cause, worth dumping an ice bucket over your head.  The main beneficiary of the “Ice Bucket Challenge” is the ALS Association.  The problem with that group, though, is that they use a stem cell line from an

August 27, 2014

The Orthodox Rod Dreher, who quoted Bonhoeffer in an essay on Christians separating themselves from the world, quotes another Lutheran, Søren Kierkegaard.  In his Attack upon “Christendom”, his devastating critique of the Danish state church and “cultural Christianity,” Kierkegaard argues that inherent to the faith

August 27, 2014

Mollie Hemingway at the Federalist just rips to shreds the Obamacare contraceptive mandate.  In the course of doing so, she points to an overarching problem:  The establishment of the administrative state, in which Constitutional government is replaced by administrative agencies, which have the power to

August 27, 2014

The London Guardian reports on a study of reading on a Kindle as compared to reading a traditional book.   Readers of the paper version performed significantly better when it came to reconstructing the chronological order of incidents in the plot.  The story cites another study

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