April 25, 2014

My post about Les Miserables provoked some good discussion–including teaching me another telling internet abbreviation (“TL;DR,” meaning “Too Long; Didn’t Read”)–including this exchange: Amsdorf:  I’m glad to hear you too have taken up the book. I have been reading it slowly, on and off, for

April 25, 2014

A story that you may have to be British, an Anglophile, or Canadian (or possibly Australian) to fully appreciate.  There is a small but sturdy Lutheran church in Great Britain, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England (ELCE), with which the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is

April 24, 2014

I published an article in Tabletalk Magazine about the concept of “duty,” tying it via the Small Catechism to the works of vocation. (more…)

April 24, 2014

Is a law racially discriminatory if it forbids racial discrimination?  The Supreme Court ruled “no,” upholding a Michigan referendum that forbids racial considerations–that is, affirmative action programs– in college admissions. (more…)

April 24, 2014

In a show of force to counter Russian expansionism in the Ukraine, American troops are deploying in the NATO-member nations of Eastern Europe.  Six hundred are now in Poland, and more will arrive in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania on Monday.  The units will participate in

April 23, 2014

I have finally finished Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables.  I saw the movie and had earlier seen the play, but I realized that I had never read the novel, so I took on that project.  I downloaded the free Kindle edition  and started reading.  It took

April 23, 2014

What with the European Union, globalization, the United Nations, and being a “citizen of the world,” the trend was supposed to be for the elimination of narrow nationalisms in favor of cosmopolitanism and ever-larger unions.  But now nationalism is back, and little countries are trying

April 23, 2014

Officials in still-Communist China have been  demolishing churches as a way to combat what one has called the “excessive” growth of Christianity.  In one city, thousands of Christians have surrounded their church building, occupying it around the clock to keep away the bulldozers. (more…)

April 22, 2014

When the Angel of the empty tomb appeared to the Roman guards, those courageous battle-hardened soldiers were so afraid that they passed out.  When the same Angel appeared to the women who came to care for the body of Jesus, they were also afraid, but

April 22, 2014

A number of states have been or are considering protecting marriage–as well as promoting the social and economic benefits that it brings–by making it more difficult to get a divorce.  Judging from an article on the subject in the Washington Post, the left will be

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