April 1, 2014

Yesterday was Opening Day of the baseball season.  That means it is time for more sports predictions!  What teams do you think will play in the World Series, and which one will win it?

April 1, 2014

If you don’t have health insurance and didn’t sign up for Obamacare, you are in violation of the Affordable Health Care Act!  The administration has been saying that so many people signing up is evidence that people support it.  But it’s the law!  People are

March 31, 2014

In her memoir Dancing Through It, ballerina Jenifer Ringer tells about her Christian faith.  I was struck by this line from Washington Post reviewer Rebecca Ritzel:  “Coming out in a dance memoir as an evangelical Christian is nearly as rare as coming out as gay

March 31, 2014

Contrary to the critics who argue that homeschooling makes kids insular and intolerant and that we need public schools to establish social cohesion, a new study has found that college students who had been homeschooled are actually more tolerant of people with different political views

March 31, 2014

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, held to some outrageously racist and eugenicist positions.  But she drew the line at abortion. (more…)

March 29, 2014

We are rightly worried about obesity, but a new study has found that being underweight is even more dangerous. (more…)

March 29, 2014

Have any of you seen the movie Noah?  What is your verdict? After the jump, excerpts from a revealing interview by the ace religion reporter Sarah Pulliam Bailey with filmmaker Darren Aronofsky about what he was trying to convey in the movie, including its themes

March 28, 2014

Members of the Cross in Mt. Dora, Florida, a congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, are getting tattoos of their church’s logo: (more…)

March 28, 2014

Not very, according to a new Barna study, at least for 51% of Americans. What, if anything, helps Americans grow in their faith? When Barna Group asked, people offered a variety of answers—prayer, family or friends, reading the Bible, having children—but church did not even

March 28, 2014

First you define the expression of ideas that you disagree with as a form of “violence.”  Which means you are justified in using actual violence against those ideas in the name of self defense. From Pete Spiliakos, When Dissent is Equated with Violence | First

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