March 7, 2014

More Obamacare provisions have been postponed, including letting people keep their non-complying insurance policies for three more years. This would prevent some unpopular measures from going into effect before the next presidential election. But the March 31 deadline for buying health insurance and thus avoiding

March 6, 2014

Advocates of gay marriage are evidently victorious, or soon will be.  So how will the defenders of traditional marriage be treated?  Ross Douthat says that one way would be to let religious people alone to have their own beliefs and practices about marriage.  The other

March 6, 2014

Gallup has compiled various statistics about “well-being” (health, work, emotional satisfaction, etc.) and has come up with a ranking of  states according to how happy they are.  The most happy states, according to this study, are North Dakota and South Dakota.  The least happy is

March 5, 2014

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.  There are those who claim that these too have pagan origins, which is particularly ludicrous.  In his ongoing dismantling of the claims that Christian holidays have pagan origins,  Pastor Joseph Abrahamson tells about the true origin

March 5, 2014

The Supreme Court turned down the appeal of the Romeikes, that German  family who sought asylum in the United States after the German government threatened to take their children because they were homeschooling them. But despite the family losing what seemed to be their final

March 5, 2014

Last week, President Obama gave a stern warning to Vladimir Putin not to intervene militarily in the Ukraine.  Whereupon Putin did just that.  We have had the “red line” that Syria dare not cross, dropping sanctions against Iran to encourage them not to  develop a

March 5, 2014

Russia continues to hold the Crimea peninsula, but Vladimir Putin said that he would not use force against the rest of Ukraine, while reserving the right to do so.  (more…)

March 4, 2014

Justin Taylor has a useful post entitled 6 Quotes that Luther Didn’t Actually Say.  After the jump, see what they are.  (To be fair, some of them are close to what he said, as loose translations or summaries.  And what he attributes to me on

March 4, 2014

The Pew Research Center has compiled some interesting data about Democrats.  Though the “liberal” faction has been growing rapidly and is at its highest level in over 20 years, it still comprises only 34% of Democrats, with 67% describing themselves as “moderate” or “conservative” (strangely

March 4, 2014

Al Mohler gives us some useful language in thinking about the conflicts of the day:  “Erotic liberty” vs. “Religious liberty.”  And when those two clash, you know which one will prevail. (more…)

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